Rachel Premo graduated Cum Laude with a BFA in Dance Performance from Northern Illinois University, under the direction of Randy Newsom. Her extensive training includes the Joy Xu Conservatory of Classical Dance, Rockford Dance Company, a summer at the Milwaukee Ballet School where she performed under Denis Malinkine. Rachel’s previous performances include numerous Art for Life Benefits, Giselle, featured roles in Le Corsaire, The Nutcracker, Pas de Quatre Ballet, Raymonda, and as an aerial silk dancer in L’Histoire du Soldat. Rachel has been a guest artist with several local Chicago companies and performed with Madison Ballet, Ballet Entre Nous, Elements Contemporary Ballet, and currently with Ardent Dance Company. As a choreographer, Premo has set competition works for dancers and gymnasts, presented choreography at Freespace, Dance Chance, Project Bound, Dance in the Parks and Ardent Dance Company. Outside of dance she has utilized her performing ability in feature films, television and commercial work. Premo is currently in her 7th season with Ardent Dance Company and holds the titles of Principle Company Member and Rehearsal Director.